
Yarden Golan | Co-head of Wiser and Marketing and Data Collection

Yarden received her Ph.D. in Biology from the Technion. Her study focused on genetic variations in ZnT2 protein, which can cause women to produce zinc deficient human milk, and as a result, their infant may develop transient neonatal zinc deficiency (TNZD). Yarden is currently performing her postdoctoral research at the Ahituv lab at UCSF, where she is aiming to identify genetic and epigenetic factors leading to low human breast milk supply.

Shiri Kult Perry | Co-head of Wiser and Postdoc Relations

Shiri completed her Ph.D. at the Weizmann Institute of Science. She has studied the mechanisms regulating the development of the tendon-bone attachment site using mice models. For her postdoctoral studies, Shiri joined the Shubin lab at UChicago to study regeneration processes in amphibians and fish.

Natanella Illouz-Eliaz | Co-founder

Natanella received her Ph.D. degree in plant sciences from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. She studied the mechanism by which the receptors of the plant-growth-promoting hormone, gibberellin, regulate tomato plant development and response to drought stress. Natanella joined the Ecker lab at the Salk Institute for Biological Studies to pursue her postdoctoral studies, in September 2020. She is interested in studying how plants respond to environmental cues and stress response  in single-cell resolution.

Maayan Pour | Mentoring Program

Maayan received her Ph.D. in Life Sciences from Tel Aviv University. She studied cell state transitions during reprogramming and early differentiation of embryonic stem cells and found fundamental concepts in these cell fate decisions. Maayan joined the Yanai lab at the Institution for Computational Medicine, at NYU, for her postdoctoral research in September 2019. She studies cancer cell states and their interaction with tumor microenvironment using patient-derived organoids and single-cell transcriptomics.

Lucy Gordon | Events

Lucy completed her PhD at the Weizmann Institute of Science. During her Ph.D. she studied the mechanisms regulating the development and function of the neuro-hypophyseal vasculature, using zebrafish as a model. For her postdoctoral studies, Lucy has joined the Gu lab at the Harvard Medical School. Her research focuses on the molecular regulation of the Blood-Brain Barrier formation and function in mice.

Hila Zelicha Peer
Hila is a Registered Dietitian and an Epidemiologist who received her PhD from Ben Gurion University in the field of nutrition and abdominal obesity. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at UCLA’s General Surgery Department, where her research focuses on the effects of bariatric surgery on severely obese populations.
Irit Miller | Marketing and Social Media

Irit received her Ph.D. in Medical Science from Tel-Aviv University. Her research focused on the role of pigment epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) as an ovarian regulator of the angiogenic and inflammatory pathways in fertility-related syndromes. Irit joined the Klein lab at UCSF for her postdoctoral training. She is aiming to identify the molecular complexity of electronic (e)-cigarette effects on the interplay between cells and the microenvironment and learning how this alters oral barrier integrity and in turn may promote the development of oral diseases.

Roni Shafir
Roni completed her PhD in Psychology at Tel-Aviv University. Her research focused on revealing how the distinct underlying mechanisms of different emotion regulation strategies yield differential consequences, using behavioral and EEG methods. In August 2021, Roni joined Prof. Luana Colloca’s lab at the Pain and Translational Symptom Science Department, University of Maryland, as a postdoctoral fellow. She is studying the psychological and neural mechanisms of the placebo effect and of virtual reality in the context of pain modulation.
Masha Niv | Co-founder of Wiser

Prof. Masha Niv studies chemistry and biology of taste receptors and other GPCRs involved in food choice and metabolism. After direct PHD in theoretical physical chemistry at the Hebrew U, Masha was a bioinformatician and team leader and Keryx Biopharmaceuticals, moving on to postdoc and instructor positions at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, NY. She started her lab in 2007 at The Robert H Smith Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Environment at the Hebrew U, where she recently served as Vice Dean for Research and is now a tenured full professor. Masha is a proud mother of three, a believer in collaboration and interdisciplinarity, and a supporter of women in science.

Michal Bar-Asher Siegal

Prof. Michal Bar-Asher Siegal is a scholar of rabbinic Judaism. Her work focuses on aspects of Jewish-Christian interactions in the ancient world, and compares between Early Christian and rabbinic sources. She is an associate professor at The Goldstein-Goren Department of Jewish Thought, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, and an alumna of the Israel Young Academy of Sciences. Her first book is Early Christian Monastic Literature and the Babylonian Talmud (Cambridge University Press, 2013, winner of the 2014 Manfred Lautenschlaeger Award). Her second book is Jewish – Christian Dialogues on Scripture in Late Antiquity: Heretic Narratives of the Babylonian Talmud (Cambridge University Press, 2019, a finalist, National Jewish Book Award (2019).) Michal is an active member and serves on a few national committees on issues relating to the promotion of women in academia, the advancement of interdisciplinary research, and the humanities in general.

Haya Lorberboum-Galski

Prof. Lorberboum-Galski performed all her academic studies at the Hebrew University. After receiving her Ph.D. (direct PhD program) in Biochemistry, she became a postdoctoral fellow at the Laboratory of Molecular Biology, NCI, NIH, USA and returned as a PI at the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
Her research focuses on developing novel protein-based molecules as possible treatment approaches for both: targeted elimination of pathogenic cells involved in human disease, with the focus on cancer and autoimmune diseases; as well as for restoring metabolic deficiencies mainly of incurable mitochondrial diseases.
During her academic career, she served as the head of the Department, head of the Program for Biochemistry and Search Committee at the Faculty; Member of the Hebrew University Standing Committee and more. For the last eight years, she served as the Chairwoman of the Institute for Medical Research (IMRIC) at the Faculty of Medicine. She is now the President’s Advisor for Advancing Women in Science. Haya is a proud mother of two children and a grandma of one.

Lia Heinemann Yerushalmi

Lia completed her PhD at the Weizmann Institute of Science. She has studied the metabolic mechanisms regulating embryonic skeletal development and mechano-sensitivity of the musculoskeletal system. For her postdoctoral studies, Lia joined the Heisenberg lab at ISTA, Vienna, where she aims to identify mechano-metabolic mechanisms regulating the morphology and specifically the cytoskeleton, of early Ascidians and Zebrafish embryo development.

Eva Kimel

Eva received her Ph.D. from the Edmond & Lily Safra Center for Brain Sciences, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. During her Ph.D. Eva studied learning and memory in people with and without dyslexia, showing that adults with dyslexia benefit from repetitions and regularities in language to a lesser extent than adults without dyslexia. Currently, Eva is a postdoctoral fellow in the University of York, UK, studying the connection of sleep properties to learning processes in children and adults with and without dyslexia.

Hadas Tamar Pahima

Hadas completed her PhD at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where she focused on the role of CD48, an activator receptor expressed on mast cells, during allergic inflammation and SARS-CoV-2 infection. Prior to her Ph.D., she worked as a scientist at ViDAC Pharma Ltd., a clinical-stage biopharmaceutical company that develops small molecules for the treatment of oncologic and dermatologic diseases. Hadas is currently a postdoctoral fellow at BWH/Harvard medical school, Where her current research focuses on understanding the mechanism behind the migration and expansion of mast cells during pulmonary inflammation

Tal Gordon

Tal is a marine biologist who received her PhD from Tel Aviv University in the field of development and regeneration. She is currently a postdoctoral fellow at Stanford Institute for Stem Cell Biology and Regenerative Medicine, where her research focuses on the evolution of the hematopoietic stem cells using marine invertebrates as model system.